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Monthly Archives: October 2019

Fixing errors uploading SVG WordPress

If you’re uploading .svg files to the WordPress Media Library, you might have been unable to, seeing the error “Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons.” Open your .svg up with a text editor and check that … Continue reading

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Why we’ve not been posting about Web work for such a long time

I can’t believe it’s been 2 years since we last posted something about web development; time really does fly when you’re up to your neck in client work! So what have we been up to during the last couple of … Continue reading

Posted in Magento, Web Development, Wordpress | Comments Off on Why we’ve not been posting about Web work for such a long time

How to safely apply Apple system and OS updates to a Hackintosh

If you have an Apple Mac, installing minor versions of System updates, Security updates and updates of Apple supplied applications is a generally* trouble free experience. Whilst that’s often also true if you have a Hackintosh, installing updates is not … Continue reading

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