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Why we’ve not been posting about Web work for such a long time

I can’t believe it’s been 2 years since we last posted something about web development; time really does fly when you’re up to your neck in client work!

So what have we been up to during the last couple of years? As per usual, pretty much everything we do is for clients who don’t want us to talk about our involvement with a project, so we can’t publically post anything about individual projects 🙁 But in round terms it’s been:

  • Custom Laravel development
  • A large full stack web app build project using Laravel and View.js
  • Lots of custom WordPress themes and plugins
  • Bespoke Magento 1 extensions
  • Magento 1 maintenance and server migrations
  • Magento 1 to 2 re-platforms
  • A few small design and build projects

Need a reliable, cost-effective developer to turn your designs into a working website? Need help with an existing website that’s gone pear-shaped? Give us a call on 01380 830244 and we’ll see what we can do…

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