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Category Archives: Magento

Why we’ve not been posting about Web work for such a long time

I can’t believe it’s been 2 years since we last posted something about web development; time really does fly when you’re up to your neck in client work! So what have we been up to during the last couple of … Continue reading

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Moving and copying Magento product reviews

When running an ecommerce business, you’ll often find yourself having to create a new product when an essentially identical product is released with an updated SKU, or when switching from a Grouped to Configurable product. But what happens to the … Continue reading

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Showing country specific content on your Magento store

One of the beauties of Magento is the ability to create multiple stores from the same Magento backend. This enables you to create multiple language versions of your site with relative ease. However that may sometimes be overkill for what … Continue reading

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Create custom Catalog navigation menus in Magento…

Out of the box, Magento will happily give you a quite nice navigation menus of your Catalog Categories, including drop-downs for sub-categories. You also get a number of utility classes added to the individual list items, such as ‘level0 nav-6 … Continue reading

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Quickly create colour themes for Products, Categories and CMS pages in Magento…

It doesn’t seem to matter whether we’re working as a freelance web developer for companies in Bath, Bristol, Wiltshire or Timbuktu, at some point they will give us a design that has colour variations across groups of pages. Some pages … Continue reading

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Magento – only show categories containing products in main navigation

I was speaking to a client in Bristol who needed a freelance Magento developer to make some changes to their site. Top of the list was to modify the main navigation so that a category would only show if it … Continue reading

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Easy Search Engine Optimisation tip for Magento stores

Google isn’t a big fan of your website making it work hard, and as with many dynamic websites, Magento can create a labyrinth of urls with complex querystrings – none of which lead to unique content. Which may mean you … Continue reading

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Customising Magento PDF Invoices to show personalised terms of sale

Magento is, as everyone knows, an ecommerce platform for the web. But it can also be used as a tool to tie your offline sales to your online sales. I’ve recently been working with a traditional “offline” retailer based in … Continue reading

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Fixing problems with Magento creating empty invoice PDFs

I recently had a problem where Magento was producing the PDF invoice, but no text was visible. After some investigation it turned out it was an issue with the hosting configuration, rather than a problem with Magento at all. Fortunately … Continue reading

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New e-commerce website launched for vintage cognac retailer

We’ve just wrapped up our latest Magento e-commerce website for Brandyclassics, a retailer of vintage and rare cognac, armagnac and calvados. Whilst they are located in Bradford on Avon, near Bath, they ship their premium brandies to countries across the … Continue reading

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