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Tag Archives: Refurbs

Ultra cheap refurbished Sandybridge MacBook Pro i7 2011

UPDATE: If you look on Amazon for Macbook Pros you can often find brand new ones for prices very close to what Apple are selling Refurbs at… Apple have just started to sell “Sandy Bridge” Refurbished MacBook Pros on the … Continue reading

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Refurb 21″ iMac for 749 pounds – saving 22%

Just a quick heads up – the Apple Refurb Store has a very nice deal on 21.5″ iMacs for £749 inc VAT. Please remember this is for the previous generation model, so you have a Core2 chip rather than the … Continue reading

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30% off dirt cheap Airport Express, Airport Extreme and Time Capsule

Currently the Apple Refurb Store is selling a large number of Apple wireless devices at very big discounts. So if you want to be able to stream music to your hi-fi through an Airport Express, or wirelessly backup multiple Macs … Continue reading

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Ultra cheap refurbished Apple iMacs, MacBooks and MacBook Pros

UPDATE: If you look on Amazon and hunt around a little you can find good deals on Macbook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBooks or iMacs you can often find brand new ones for prices very close to what Apple are selling Refurbs … Continue reading

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Refurbished iPod Touch 119 quid, MacBook 719 quid, MacBook Pro 849 quid

Apple have some very nice deals on Refurbished MacBook and iPods at the moment. The iPods are probably because the new generation models are looming into view in the next couple of months… – £119 inc VAT and postage – … Continue reading

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Cheap refurb iPod Touch, MacBook Pro 13″ and 21.5″ iMac

Apple have some rather nice deals available at the moment for refurbished kit.  You can find out more about what a refurbished mac is and what warranty it has here. iPod Touch 8GB 2nd generation – £109 inc VAT and … Continue reading

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Are the new Macmini’s value for money?

Apple have just updated the Macmini, by essentially putting the new MacBook guts into it. But does buying one make any sense? I’ve never quite understood the Macmini, it’s rather a curate’s egg. What you are buying is a basically … Continue reading

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