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Creating shipping rules for Magento

Shopping costs are one of those areas that people tend to ignore a little bit when developing an ecommerce store. Now Magento has some brilliant integrations with the major couriers to let the store calculate costs based on destination, but what happens if you don’t use UPS, USPS, FedEx or DHL? You might need to turn to the Weight vs Destination shipping module.

You can simply import a .csv spreadsheet for those countries you do want to ship to. Make sure you use the 3-letter ISO codes to indicate countries otherwise the import will fail. You can also add postcode and county zones to further refine your shipping charges.

Unfortunately, you don’t seem to be able to have a “wildcard” rules for any other countries that you don’t explicitly include in your .csv file, which is rather an oversight. If anyone know differently, I’d love to know how…

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