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MacBook Pro Retina battery replacement service

The first MacBook Pro Retina was released in late 2012 and there are now large numbers of them with failing or failed batteries that need replacing. However, unlike every previous Apple laptop, replacing the battery is not a trivial task as the battery is attached to the top case with very strong adhesive instead of screws. Rather than the quick 5 mins job on the prior MacBook Pros, it’s fun and games that involves prying tools, solvents and the removal of lot more internal components than you might imagine.

Apple do provide an out of warranty battery service for around £199 ( as of June 2020 ). They often replace the entire top case which includes the keyboard; so if you have a keyboard that’s got iffy keys, then this is probably the most sensible option for you. But if your keyboard is in good working condition, you can expect to pay significantly less from an independent Apple support provider ( such Sweet-Apple ).

If you’ve got time, patience and appropriate tools it’s also perfectly possible to do yourself. A quick Google will find you a multitude of instructional guides. Take a complete backup before starting work, be organised, methodical and do not use any metal tools anywhere near the battery. Lithium Ion batteries can be very dangerous if the battery cell is punctured.

If you’re in Bradford On Avon, Westbury, Melksham, Frome, Bath or the surrounding area, have a MacBook Pro Retina 13″ or 15″ with a battery is starting to give up, please give us a call on 01380 830224 and we can quote on a replacement. Turnaround is typically ~24hrs as there’s a lengthy calibration process needed once the new battery is in place.

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