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Maintaining search engine position after a web site redesign

You’ve worked hard to get high up in the search engine results for your targeted keywords, you’ve got inbound links to your website coming out of your ears and your customers have bookmarked pages on your site. And now you want to redevelop your web site.

You speak a few web design companies around Bath, Bristol and Wiltshire and they  have great ideas and lovely designs. But do they say anything at all about how they’re going to avoid completely losing that precious, hard fought search engine ranking? If they don’t, they really should.

It’s not rocket science, – it just requires a little bit of research, some time clarifying the  valuable pages you currently have, and some after care once the site is live. When looking in analytics we noticed one of the pages on the old site, we’d completely forgotten about, actually had a fair number of inbound links. Unfortunately it wasn’t linking through to it’s replacement page, potentially costing us lost search engine position. 5 mins later we’d got that sorted and transferring it’s link equity to the new page. Phew!!!

Interested in knowing more? Give us a call…

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